Money is worthless. Well actually it's not worthless. However, its worth seems to be greatly misunderstood.
First of all; Money is DEBT. If you have a dollar in your pocket that means you also have a tiny bit of debt. Money is an IOU. It has NO inherent value except the value of the paper it was printed upon. The "value" of money depends ENTIRELY on the system surrounding it. That isn't to say we should all go out and buy a bunch of gold... that's also ridiculous. Furthermore, the SYSTEM in the U.S.A. is constructed so that the Government will ALWAYS be in DEBT. To whom do we owe this money? The Federal Bank that prints the money is the answer to that question. We PAY them to print money, and so WE WILL ALWAYS OWE THEM MONEY!!! It is not an equal exchange system. It COSTS MONEY to PRINT MONEY, and so each time we print money, money is LOST to the Federal Bank. For a long time in this country we did not have this system, and in fact most of our beloved "Founding Fathers" railed against it and decried that such a system would kill the nation.
This is a little bit false too, and it is because of "Might Makes Right." The ACTUAL value is the value of material objects, the value of the strength of human individuals, the value of physical objects like food, water, land, etc. And yet we often constantly obsess over possessing more money? Are we completely insane? We are destroying the material world around us in the name of clinging to an imaginary, and furthermore destructive thing. We ignore and abandon preserving what we NEED to survive; clean air, clean water, wholesome food, harmony with other beings, human and all other. Why do we do this? Our greed isn't even really greed. We are greedy for a fantasy? Do these multi-millionaires actually EAT MONEY? I don't think so...
Money is nothing more and nothing less than a system of organization that allows for distribution of limited resources. Other species seem to find equilibrium through different means, like the predator-prey cycle. We as human beings seem to have no natural predators, except ourselves perhaps, so WE ourselves are the predators. That said, we will, if we don't use moderation, eventually deplete our resources to a point that is no longer sustainable, and the Earth doesn't care how much money you have. WE ARE ONLY AS VALUABLE as the water, carbon, and other natural elements in our bodies, and ALL HUMANS have this in common. And that is why it doesn't matter if you have a million dollars, a billion dollars, or just one dollar.
So why should some people feel the need to accumulate SO MANY THINGS, so many unused, wasted things? Does anybody really need more than one house?
We're afraid. That's what I think. We are afraid that if we don't hoard for ourselves and insulate ourselves with money, and stuff, and weapons, etc. then everything we have will be taken from us. When we think that because we are full of greed, and hate, and misunderstanding that the world is out to get us, we're wrong. WE ARE OUT TO GET US, and no one else. We CAN change if that is what we really want. NO ONE IS STOPPING US EXCEPT OURSELVES.
So don't be afraid. Fear is what drives you crazy.
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