Tuesday, April 24, 2012

CISPA, SOPA, PIPA... Big Brother? 1984? Pirates? Monopoly?

These people don't get it. Apparantly the government thinks we all want to be locked up in our own country... seriously... this is just completely irrational. Aren't we supposed to govern? Why do so few people actually in the government seem to understand what is actually good for us.

There will always be pirates, thieves, and "bad people" cheating. The internet is just a new platform for it, but of course there are ways to stop it without throwing the American Public under the bus.

Why don't we try being friends with people? Let's make other countries LIKE US!!! Do your friends generally steal your stuff when you go out of the room? If they do, they're not really your friends. Building trust, and FRIENDLINESS with all other people is the best, and really the only way to be truly safe.

Why do we keep looking for enemies? We are in control, not the politicians. We need to remember that. We need to remember what it really means to live in a democracy, and have real values.

Give me Liberty or give me Death!

NOT: Give me Liberty or... well... Oh look! It's a slice of cake!

Courage, people... none of the Democrats or Republicans seem to have it. Why?

Do we want to be known as a nation of cowardly, vindictive bullies? Maybe we do?

Let me know what you think, please.

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