You’re So Cupid (2010, Directed by John Lynde)
A cute, fun, romantic comedy, this movie is good when you’re in the mood for something light, upbeat, a little funny, and of course sappy and predictable, but not in a bad way. The twist is kinda fun, although forget trying to figure out how/where it relates to mythology or Shakespeare, though at first you’ll think you’ve entered into a new twist on a classic. Be prepared for a little stupidity, and some serious misrepresentation of what a dance at a normal high school looks like, and you’ll be ready to kick back with a sweet treat and settle into this wonderfully sugary chick flick. It may not be the deepest film, but when you’re not in the mood to watch anything but a fluffy, fun comedy, this movie will certainly satisfy your sweet tooth, without giving you a sugar high. I recommend this for those nights when you’re longing for something predicatable, but not boring, and you can’t handle anything even as serious as a Disney animated feature. I was in that mood when I watched it, and I felt totally sastified by the end. It delivered on not only not being boring, but it wasn’t overly sweet, or overly Hollywood. I especially liked the fact that I didn’t know any of the main cast really well. This movie is not packed full of celebrities, and it is refreshing to see some new faces in an otherwise so familiar feeling film.
Overall, it’s got a stupid title, but this movie is not what it appears at first glance, or maybe it is, but that’s what makes it good.
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