I'm feeling a bit blue. Yes, I feel blue. Blue is the color of the Democratic Party in this country... I wonder if that is why they seem to sink into a weird sort of subdued... I'm not sure what to call it when they refuse to push back, even, and/or especially when people want them to. Blue is the color of sadness, true, but it is a color of confidence, calm strength, peace. It is a cool color.
I voted for the first time today. I felt happy when I voted, all Democratic...
But what about red? The color of the GOP is red... red to me speaks of anger, passion, violence, the extreme. Do we really want a country that is all red? Mostly red? Red... as an artist I know I'd rather have blue pigment spilled on me than red. Red is extremely difficult to get out. Red sticks... red runs... red stays on your fingers long after you've finished with it, and you almost wish you'd just avoided it.
Red doesn't make me happy... not unless it is the passion of love. But what does the GOP love? I don't know. They will hardly tell us. The Democratics say that they love certain things... though I think they need to be a little more strong, and a little less calm and moderating at this time. There is a difference between compromise and allowing yourself to be repeatedly stabbed. Yet, still the GOP likes to tell us passionately what they do not like. They don't like the government. That seems clear. Some of them will actually say they do want anarchy.
I have this to say; experience anarchy and you won't like it, and in any case it doesn't last long. Humans will never fail to organize into a hierarchy no matter what the situation. Once that hierarchy is formed, government is born. You could take five total strangers and put them on a deserted island. They would probably form a hierarchy in about ten minutes to an hour...
So... as for color theory... we have a choice. Do we go with red? Do we like their passion at the expense of getting so caught up that we allow ourselves to fall prey to those who wish to use our clouded minds for their own short gains?
Do we go with blue and hope they will finally stand strong, take a bit of a jump and push red back a bit?
But a little red goes a long way... will blue be able to prevent red from running amuck? They start to think maybe they shouldn't try...
Well, I haven't given up yet, and I don't intend to. Blue, hold fast to the solid ground on which you stand and don't give red an inch when they spill their passion to you like so much smoke, masking your path forward. Don't let the smoke get in your eyes. The ground before you is SOLID! You WILL make it through if you stay together, hold on tight, and remember that TOGETHER WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL.
So who decided on those colors?
ReplyDeleteI looked it up.
ReplyDeleteApparently it is a new thing. Only since 2000 election. It was the networks. And credit is given to the late Tim Russert for coining the term, "Red states and blue states."